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The auction process involves the sale of store cattle and sheep. The auction will be timed, with animals sold on a per head basis. The standard increment is £10 per head, or a specified increase. A reserve price can be set, and auto-bidding is available. If the reserve is not met the animals will not sell. If the reserve is met the lot will sell to the highest bidder. Once you bid you are committed to buy the stock if you are the highest bidder.
Please note that animals will not be checked by SML (SellMyLivestock), but all listings will need to meet certain criteria and be verified.
If weights are provided, animals must be within 5% of these weights on arrival on farm to allow for gut fill. Evidence must be provided if the criteria is not met.
All animals must be fit and healthy upon arrival on the farm.
All animal tag numbers must match those on the listing.